Treat Me (Halloween Special) - Wallpaper & Lock Screen

by 6:12 PM 0 comments
Guest Author: Sabrina Son

When you're an adult Halloween is all about dressing up in the craziest costume and going to a spooky, sparkly masquerade. It's a night to become someone or something you've always dreamt of being, even though it's only temporary. It's a night to take on a new identity and try to party away the stresses and burdens of every day paper-pushing, computer-clicking, and listening to office gossip about yourself. Halloween means something different for each age. 

Remember in elementary school when Halloween was all about the candy? The ease of squeezing out free candy from your neighbors just by smiling and shouting "trick or treat!" I remember going door to door, making bets with my friends on how much or what kind of candy we'd receive. I remember those neighbors that left bowls outside with the "take only one" sign and how no one ever obliged. I remember doing the candy swap after our trick or treating trips and how no one would ever want to swap my tootsie rolls. Halloween as a child was as sweet as candy corn.

Even though different age ranges celebrate Halloween differently, one thing always stays the same--get dressed and have fun!

P.S.: My favorite candy from trick or treating were the Twix bars! What was your favorite?

Please comment or hit like on facebook when you download. Thanks!

Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

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Phone Wallpaper and Lock Screen Design

Original Wallpaper Version

Lock Screen Version

More Halloween Designs

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile,



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