When you think of snow globe, you immediately think of something special handed down to you. Snow globe has that intriguing factor that is mysterious yet traditional. Here's a unique design that will sure fill your holiday excitement.

This design has snowman with candy canes on felt background with snow of hearts falling w.

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Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

The Snowman Snow Globe

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
When you think of snow globe, you immediately think of something special handed down to you. Snow globe has that intriguing factor that is mysterious yet traditional. Here's a unique design that will sure fill your holiday excitement.

This design has Christmas trees with snow of hearts falling with that one special gift.

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Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

The Gifted Snow Globe.

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
During the Holidays, it's about the connection. Connecting with your family and friends. To bring the spirit, here's a cute christmas tree connecting with each other.

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Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Tree of Connection

Simple Tree of Connection

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
Hello Christmas! It's definitely in the air and everywhere you look. If you haven't noticed yet. Christmas is only days away. Here are some fun Christmas wallpaper for your phone.

Christmas tree and lights.

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Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Fuzzy Red Christmas Trees with Lights

The Simple Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree for the Guys

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
Lately, I've been worn out--out of energy and inspiration. Well, not exactly out of inspiration but my energy level isn't there. To kick start my inspiration is a chandelier design that brings out the whimsical nature in all of us. This design reminds me the idea of French style--fancy but vintage.

Please comment or hit like on facebook when you download. Thanks!

Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Original Version

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
All of a sudden, I'm liking popsicle. We're pretty much in the middle of winter and I'm starting to feel the winter blues. That's why the popsicle idea sounds fun and cute.

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Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Original Version

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
Turn back the time and whisk away to the time where you were about 10 years old. The days where you eat popsicles without people looking at you like you're an idiot. For those of us turning an year older makes us cringe. 

Please comment or hit like on facebook when you download. Thanks!

Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Original Version

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
A simple flower in a pot -- not every flower grows fast and not every flower grow the same. Each individual flower has it's growth. Some will be late bloomer while others are early.

Please comment or hit like on facebook when you download. Thanks!

Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Original Version

 Green Version

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version
I'm feeling vintage again. Vintage is not about the old--it's about using what's old and building on top of that. I've seen people make the mistake of doing things over and over again and having to re-invent the wheel. Why do that and not save yourself the time and the energy. That's why vintage is so trendy.

Please comment or hit like on facebook when you download. Thanks!

Download away and have fun. Don't forget to comment or send me a facebook message. If you need help, check out our How to Page.

While you're at it, enjoy the music that accompany the design below. If you want to suggest a song, send us a message here or connect with us on our social media channels.

Remember to share it with your friends. Follow us on twitter or facebook for regularly updates.

Phone Wallpaper Design

Original Version

Gray Version

Color Inspirations


Copyrighted, 2012. MelMel Mobile, melmelmobile.blogspot.com

Calendar Version